【メディア】神奈川新聞に掲載されました☆ It was published in Kanagawa Shimbun





☆ It was published in Kanagawa Shimbun ☆

In the morning edition of the Kanagawa Shimbun yesterday, a state of making a “sakabayashi” was published!

The “sakabayashi” is also called “sugidama” , and is hung on the eaves of the sake brewery at the same time as the new sake is completed.

It is a winter tradition unique to sake breweries.

You can buy sake from a trader, but Nakazawa Shuzo makes it every year.

The Neighbors are celebrating the completion of sake too!

Freshly squeezed sake will be released on December 23.

2020-04-16T10:30:13+09:00 2019年12月22日|メディア情報|