酒林づくりが始まりました☆The making of Sakabayashi!


新酒の完成と同時に軒先に掲げられる「酒林(さかばやし)」。 昔々、お酒の神様の御神木である杉の葉を掲げたのが由来と言われています。



江戸時代から続く中沢酒造。 「江戸時代からあった材料でつくりたい」






☆The making of Sakabayashi! ☆

“Sakabayashi” is displayed at the eaves upon completion of the new sake.

Once upon a time, it is said to have originated from the cedar leaf, the sacred tree of the god of sake.

It is now rounded and is called “Sugitama” because of its shape.

You can buy it from a dealer, but Nakazawa Shuzo has a handmade Sakabayashi every year.

Nakazawa Shuzo has continued since the Edo period.

“I want to make with materials that have been used since the Edo period”

Sakebayashi also makes its own thoughts in the Edo period, making it a unique way of knitting a bamboo basket and inserting cedar leaves there.

First, align the cedar leaves to a uniform length. This is a steady work, but this is important!

I think this container needs about 20 cups.

Nakazawa shuzo is made by volunteers of forest instructors.

The finished Sakebayashi will be unveiled at the same time as the new release on December 23.



2020-04-16T10:28:29+09:00 2019年12月11日|酒造り|